SPP 099 – Our Writing and Creative Process

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This week, we talked a whole lot about a topic that listeners have been clamoring for: our creative process. We've talked a lot lately about our upcoming Kickstarter project, which will deal with the Realm & Sands (that's Johnny and Sean) writing process. This episode was kind of a primer, dealing with the evolution of process between The Beam: Season One and the newly wrapped The Beam: Season Two, which will be released on May 1. (By the way, be sure to join the Realm & Sands "Outlaws" list to get first crack at The Beam's new season when it's available, because it'll be discounted for the first few days and you won't want to miss it.) We covered the ways in which the Realm & Sands process has evolved (and continues to evolve), how Collective Inkwell's process compares, how solo writers can adapt our collaborative processes, and more. As a bonus, we also talked about how fun it is to intersect works in the same world without making each dependent on the others. (Our rule for Beam world stories is that we can't require anyone to read the other works, but the other works can add to the enjoyment of each other and leave Easter eggs. Specifically, we talk about how much gonzo fun we've had cross-pollenating The Beam, Lexi Maxxwell's erotic The Future of Sex series, and our fictional author Sterling Gibson's Plugged and his forthcoming books. (Side note: We and Lexi have been unable to get The Future of Sex price-matched to free on Amazon, but you can read it free on Lexi's blog … just make sure you understand that it contains some very explicit sex scenes.) You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVnmYKLkBMA SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.