019: An artist is in there

Audiophile show

Summary: What’s your craft? You have one and so does anyone who’s walked this round earth. Each one of us is the master of a small slither of metaphysical land, A slither that is at our mercy for the brief time we breathe energy into it, and free of fear or doubt, but full of joy exhibit our creation. An artist lives inside you, create and we’ll pay attention. Not because we’re forced to but because that joy captivates us. Not because it’s new, but because it’s new through you. Make it as good as you can, but don’t stress it. Let it go before it’s ready. Don’t undercook it, but don’t over-season it. The joy will let you know when its time has come. Serve it and we’ll eat it. Pour it and we’ll drink it. Build it, and yes we will come. You remember that time you got real happy because you taught your parents something, and they listened, or when your rambling neighbor shut up for two minutes as you told them everything you know about playing chess. That joy that you got is all you need to create, all you need in order to teach. That’s all an artist, yourself, really wants. A moment of attention. And we want to learn, we want a little bit of that joy rubbed up on us, so we can rub it on someone else down the line. Gifted are those who will teach, and gifted are those who will learn. Gifted are the artists who will create, and gifted are the admirers who witness the joy.