Freed by Truth, Part 4, Mar 16, 2014

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Ps. 51:6 - the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - John 8:31-34, 1 Thess, 5:23-24 - some truths that help keep me free and walking in peace: - relinquishment: I can give someone up without giving up on them - I respect boundaries: What is my responsibility "to" this person? Am I responsible in any way "for" them? - I am not responsible for the choices adults make (but I can suffer the consequences of their decisions - true brokenness has no demans - I am only a part, I prophesy in part, I see in part - I am not the Savior,I can only point to Him - I can't do everything and I am not called to do everything - I can do for the one what I can't do for the many - unspoken expectations minus reality equal relational disaster - yesterday is gone; tomorrow is not here; in this present moment I accept myself as God accepts me - I am who I am by the grace of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and God has not called me to compare my life to someone else. - rest glorifies God and is His gift to me - work glorifies God and is His gift to me - play glorifies God and is His gift to me - all of my life can be worship to God - only God can complete me and other complement me - as God is to me, I am to be to others - if God doesn't build the house I labor in vain, if God doesn't watch - I watch in vain and apart from Jesus I am nothing