Limited Appeal - Don't f#*k with the pigs (and other buggery)

Limited Appeal show

Summary: We kick off a brand new season with a new edition from our "staggeringly popular" segment, "How about that?" Warren describes the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the trial of a 17th century "habitual troublemaker" (great job if you can get it) George Spencer, who was convicted of bestiality (sort of – listen for the details) on the basis of dubious testimony from a stillborn piglet and himself, and possible also on the basis of his appearance. Did I mention this is not an Urban Legend segment? What's the difference between molesting a pig (an obvious crime) and being ordered to fondle a pig by a court (which is just following instructions)? And how can you tell if a pig is showing a "working of lust"? Oy. To be honest, we really don't provide any answers, but we do draw inappropriate conclusions about the nature of early forensics teams. How about that? Let us know by email ( Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.