Episode #11 On Chris Christie And A Look Ahead To Iowa 2016

Ken Rudin's Political Junkie show

Summary: Continuing where he left off in 2013, Chris Christie remains the most talked about Republican in the country ... only this time he may not like what everyone is saying.  The week's Political Junkie show focuses on the New Jersey governor and whether the "Bridgegate" scandal is a minor blip, or something more.  Host Ken Rudin talks to Republican strategist Mike Murphy, who says that Christie is neither a clear frontrunner for 2016 nor damaged goods ... but he concedes that all the facts have yet to come out. And then we go to Iowa, where Des Moines Register pollster Ann Selzer gives us a snapshot of a very critical state, two years before the presidential caucuses. Plus:  a new trivia question, and "this day in history" features former Illinois Sen. and 2004 presidential hopeful Carol Moseley Braun. Download Podcast Credits: Podcast artwork generously provided by Mikey Casalaina at evolvedmonkey.com Quittin' Time (Patrick Lee) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0