American Nationalist Network show

Summary: March 13, 2014 A Talk with ANA Executive Secretary Christopher Borsella Originally, our scheduled guest this evening was Mr. David Jones from the United Kingdom -- the newest host to be added to the American Nationalist Network roster. Mr. David Jones is an Independent British Nationalist from the United Kingdom who has been very active in the Nationalist cause since 2003. He describes himself as "The Working Class Nationalist Candidate." In lieu of Mr. Jones' absence our own Christopher Borsella agreed to speak tonight. Christopher is newly appointed to the ANA/ANN Board of Directors and serves in three separate Executive Committee positions: Secretary, Treasurer and News Director. At the moment Christopher hosts both The Nationalist Mandate (recently changed from The Imperian Mandate), Ethno News Now, and he will be starting a third show that will air every Friday night at 9PM EST (after World View Foundations): C.J.'s Roadhouse -- Friday Night Folk & Country. Christopher will also be operating the studio board for David Jones' new program Atlantic Axis, which will air every Tuesday at 12PM EST (5PM UK Time).  These and other related topics will be addressed in this spur of the moment conversation with our very own Christopher Borsella -- a rising star in the burgeoning White Nationalist Movement. Visit the ANA & ANN: