Dave McGowan; Inside the LC & wagging the moondoggie

thestenchoftruth show

Summary: I am very happy to have Dave McGowan as my guest this week.  He is infamous for his work on the Laurel Canyon-music-Hollywood-death-military-intelligence-weirdness-nexus. http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/index.html It is a major work that he continues to add to and it is available to you on line.  Dave is also an author, so check out his books too: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/books.html "Programmed to Kill; The Politics of Serial Murder" "Understanding the F word; American Fascism and the politics of illusion" "Derailing Democracy; The America the Media don't want you to see" Find his home page here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/DavesWeb.html There you can read a brief biography and see some excellent landscape photography. The Laurel Canyon nexus for weirdness will likely take up the whole of the 2 hours but if we do have time we will look at the Apollo moon landings.  The sarcasm in the moondoggie material is priceless.  Have a look at that and you will definitely question if we really did go to the moon. You also can't go wrong wit hhis suggested reading list: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/Reading_List.html