Suppressed history of America; Author Xaviant Haze

thestenchoftruth show

Summary: Xaviant Haze joins us this week to discuss the suppressed history of the USA.  The tale is told in his book, co-written with Paul Schrag: The Suppressed History of America; The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Which can be found at Amazon at the following link: We will be talking about the Lewis and Clark expedition and the starnge peoples and artifacts they discovered and the eventual suppression of much of it by mainstrema history.  The story of America is far from what we are taught in our school textbooks.  We will also discuss the murder of Meriwether Lewis and the reason it was done. This is the bio at Amazon on Xaviant Haze: Xaviant Haze is a freelance researcher of ancient manuscripts and alternative history. His career as a music producer and DJ allow him to travel the world, exploring and documenting his findings on lost cities and the myths of the pre-deluvian world. He lives in Tacoma, Washington. You can also find a lot of good information at his website: Should be a great discussion!