SPP 097 – Fan Engagement and Cross-Genre Promotion with Lexi Maxxwell

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Yay! We finally managed to get Lexi Maxxwell back on the show! You may or may not care about Lexi's erotic works, but you should care about her as she relates to us. We produce Lexi and enjoy working with her, but we also use her growing empire as a testing ground for the things we later do on our empires: working on her website, her Facebook page, etc. She's a super-smart gal with a knack for marketing and fan connection, and we can all learn a lesson or two from her. Lexi was her usual dirty self on this show, so consider yourself warned. (But we'd all love it if you'd head over and "like" her Facebook page -- oh, and while you're at it, you can "like" the SPP page too. ) We talked about how to make your fans love you, how to reach new readers by considering your work to be part of two genres, and a ton more. SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.