Comics Coast To Coast #190 – The Vince Dorse Interview

Comics Coast To Coast show

Summary: Vince Dorse joins Brian Dunaway, Joel Duggan and Matthew Ducharme to talk about his award winning comic Untold Tales Of Bigfoot.   Comics Title By Artist About Artist: I draw pictures. Honestly, thats about all I do. I wake up in the morning, stagger behind my computer and start drawing. Some time around dinner I stop to eat but then its draw draw draw until I fall asleep again. About The Comic Untold Tales of Bigfoot is the story of an adorably inept dog named Scout who gets lost in the woods during an ill-fated camping trip and runs smack-dab into a lonely Bigfoot looking for a friend. Will Bigfoot finally make a friend? Will Scout ever get home? Show Notes: I really enjoy the role reversal of speaking owner and dog. How did you arrive at that pairing? Are you a camper? Were you a camping family growing up? Where do the phrases like Crumbcakes! and Sweet baby corn! come from? Do you have a set story arc for The Untold Tales Of Bigfoot? Or would you like it to be an ongoing comic? Youre posting a full color comic page every week. Tell us about your art process. Traditional? Digital? Walk us through a blank page to comic shared online. In 2012 you received the Reuben Award for best online comic, long form. What was that experience like? Any good stories from the event? What a great story and character driven comic. Are you ever tempted to do more than 1 a week or break down the pages into smaller chunks? I noticed you swap a lot of Fan Art with other cartoonist (including a really cool stuffed bigfoot) is this part of your master plan? or just for funs? Did you ever see that episode of In Search Of where Spock hangs out with BigFoot? How about that episode of The 6-Million Dollar Man? How much of a monkey wrench would be thrown into your comic if someone captured a big foot? Suddenly fiction is fact! You dont just post a comic once a week, you also post a blog and sometimes your process. Is that a lot of work? Worth it? Your work has a bit of a retro feel to it. What are some of the comics that influenced you ? Looking at the pages online, it feels like they were originally designed for print. Is that the ultimate goal? Good golly, you are prolific. How many comics have you made and where do you find the time? Doylecomic 1:33pm via Twitter for Mac @thebriandunaway @comicsc2c @vincedorse I got a question, why is Vince so damn good? andnbsp; andnbsp;