#036: YOGAmazing: An Interview with Chaz Rough [Podcast]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits | Personal Development | Rockin' Productivity show

Summary: How flexible do you feel today? This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast (http://jeffsanders.com/itunes) features an interview with Chaz Rough, founder of the popular video podcast, YOGAmazing (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/yogamazing/id79497140?mt=2). (http://jeffsanders.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/chazrough.png) Photo Credit: Chaz Rough I have been watching Chaz's video podcast for over 6 years and he is THE reason I practice yoga regularly. I LOVE his podcast and I'm sure you will find him as approachable and funny as I do. Oh, and his podcast has over 440 video episodes! Listen to Episode #036 Tip of the Week For this week's tip I discuss how much I love Swiftkey (http://www.swiftkey.net/), an iPhone app that integrates with Evernote and makes note taking on the fly so much easier! Featured Content In this week's episode, I interview Chaz from the YOGAmazing podcast and we discuss: * What famous singer inspired Chaz to begin his yoga practice. * The enormous benefits of daily yoga. * Why Chaz started his famous video podcast, YOGAmazing (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/yogamazing/id79497140?mt=2). * What the most challenging aspect of yoga is for Chaz. * Chaz's favorite yoga pose. * How Chaz uses high intensity training in his yoga practice. * How you can get started with yoga in 3 easy steps. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtanga_vinyasa_yoga) [classical Indian yoga] * Tabata Yoga Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NASTMw3_F8A) [similar to Burst Training] * Hii Yoga (http://www.yogamazing.com/hiiyoga/) [high intensity interval yoga] * Hatha Yoga (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatha_yoga) [physical exercises and breathing control] * Downward-Facing Dog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adho_Mukha_Svanasana) [Chaz's favorite yoga pose] * Crow Pose (http://www.wikihow.com/Do-the-Crow-Pose-%28Yoga%29) [a more challenging yoga pose] * Standing Forward Fold (http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/478) [another of Chaz's favorites] * Cobra Pose (http://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Cobra-Pose-in-Yoga) [one more favorite] * Coconut Oil (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001EO5Q64/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001EO5Q64&linkCode=as2&tag=gradandclue-20) [a healthy oil that Chaz loves] * 99Designs (https://99designs.com/) [the logo design company I used] Where to Find Chaz * YOGAmazing Podcast (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/yogamazing/id79497140?mt=2) [hosted by Chaz] * YOGAmazing.com (http://www.yogamazing.com/) [the home base] * LifeScapeTV.com (http://www.lifescapetv.com/) [a video program hosted by Chaz] * YOGAmazing 24/7 (http://subscriptions.viddler.com/yogamazing?set_id=7mrde3) [non-stop streaming of YOGAmazing videos] * YOGAmazing on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/yogamazing) [find Chaz on Facebook] * Chaz on Twitter (https://twitter.com/yogamazing) [catch up on yoga tweets] Announcements * If you’re looking to significantly boost your productivity, I think you would love The 5 AM Blueprint, which is an affordable way to get direct, customized feedback from me to create an effective schedule for your ideal day. You can learn much more at 5amBlueprint.com (http://5amBlueprint.com) * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, AND jump-start your morning, visit 5amMiracle.com (http://5amMiracle.com). * For my next podcast episode I will be sharing how kombucha (http://jeffsanders.com/what-is-kombucha/), a sexy Chinese tea, can provide a serious reboot to your energy and digestive system. Subscribe to the Show To make sure you don't miss a single episode of the podcast, I encourage you to subscribe in iTunes (http://jeffsanders.com/itunes/). (http://jeffsanders.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/itunes.jpg)iTunes (http://jeffsanders.com/itunes/)