For the Shalom of the City

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Summary: In the wild pagan city of Babylon, a letter is read out loud to the people of God from the prophet Jeremiah. In the crowd is a young man who would hear those words and orient his life completely around them. In doing so, he stood firm in the midst of antagonism and depravity, bravely faced death, and yet engaged his world in such a way that a culture was impacted, a king was transformed, and the goodness of God was made known to the nations. That young man’s name was Daniel. Jeremiah’s message to the exiled people of Israel was simple. God meant them to be a blessing to the world even while they lived in Babylon. God intends the same for us. We are called to work for the shalom of the city, whatever or wherever that city is, where God has put us. We are to be a blessing in our time and place. And sometimes that requires us to face some lions. Downloads