"Trayvon Martin: 2 Years Later...Gun Violence in America"

"The Dedan Tolbert Show"  show

Summary: Its been two years since the nation was turned upside down by the tragic death of a young man walking on his way home. Unfortunately, Trayvon Martin is just one of thousands of teenagers killed every year as a result of gun violence. Tune into "The Dedan Tolbert Show" LIVE tonight at 9:00pm EST as we discuss "Trayvon Martin: 2 Years Later...Gun Violence in America". To hear us discuss:the epidemic of black on black crime, gang violence, media bias, race relations and what can be done to get the guns off the street in your community, call 646 200 0366 or listen LIVE online worldwide at www.dedantolbertshow.com... "REAL Radio that Matters".