"12 Years a Slave...2014 Post Oscars Recap"

"The Dedan Tolbert Show"  show

Summary:   History was made last night at The Academy Awards when both 12 Years a Slave won for best picture and Lupita Nyong’o won for Best Supporting Actress, making it one of the most talked about awards shows of all time. Tune into “The Dedan Tolbert Show” LIVE TONIGHT at 9:00pm EST for our Post Oscar Recap Special, where we’ll discuss the winners, the losers, and an in depth look at 12 Years a Slave, in regards to being a black man in America. To hear us discuss exactly what the Bible says about “celebrities” and how society idolizes them, as well as many other topics….call 646 200 0366 or listen LIVE online worldwide at www.dedantolbertshow.com... “REAL Radio that Matters”.