Comics Coast To Coast #188 – Host Show – Social Media For You

Comics Coast To Coast show

Summary: On this episode of Comics Coast to Coast Brian gets snowed in and Joel and Matt discuss Facebook, Google+ and other social media hooha for your enjoyment and education....and... Show Notes: Facebook video: The Problem With Facebook by Veritasium (Channel2) Google+ Community From the Google+ Community: From P. J. Day This is deceptively difficult environment to market a comic strip, despite the a boon of social media outlets. Facebook is limited to your friends list and its dying. My feed reaches my daughter and some crack-pot lady who posts articles about the Illuminati. Twitter is deceptive. It looks like your getting all this attention when you have 100 followers, but I really cant say how much traffic I have gained based on my Twitter updates and followers. Google Plus has some potential because you can post to groups and a wider audiance and they seem more responsive than Facebook groups. What I have found recently is, unlike newspaper syndicates that might reach an un-targeted audience of thousands, the social media marketing tools Im using has gained me focused, more intimate audience. Most of those of my readers are artists from web comics I personally follow and comment on their sites. This has been the biggest contributor of readers on my site. networking directly on other artists sites. However, they are all a part of the same inner circle... and thats really ok. Ultimately, Its all about exposure to and audience thats interested in your material, and thats exactly what I have. From James Francis I think it is still hard to quantify the impact of social media, but rather damned that you do than dont. Social media creates quasi-gated communities who can grow to be nice captive audiences. The question is what you should spend your energy on. Tip: Share resources Tip: Participate in groups/events. Ex: @sketch_dailies Tip: A rule I have created for myself is to only favorite art on deviantART if I can articulate why and then write that as a comment. Matts Notes Tip: Asking questions. Tip: Find fans that youre talking to and post it to another venue. (Fan site, etc.)