Paving the Way for Development: Working with the Office of Transition Initiatives

The CSIS Podcast show

Summary: In this Careers in Development session, Karma Lively will discuss her experience working with the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) at USAID. OTI is a unique office within USAID's Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Affairs (DCHA). OTI supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy in countries experiencing crisis. Seizing critical windows of opportunity, OTI works on the ground to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeting key political transition and stabilization needs in order to create and foster the political space that leads to longer term development. Ms. Lively will speak on her experiences with OTI in the field and in Washington and share her advice for breaking into and succeeding in a large bureaucracy such as USAID. She will also offer specific tips for young professionals who are interested in working with OTI.