SPP 095 – Facebook Marketing, Kickstarter, and other Miscellany

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This is a bit of a mishmash show because we had a guest scheduled and he never showed up. So we had to wing it without a clear topic. Hopefully we didn't do too shittily. First of all, some announcements: 1. SPP is now sponsored by 99designs 99designs is a great service we've used for book cover design and talked about as awesome BEFORE THEY WERE EVEN PAYING US. If you do need a book cover or any other graphic service, head on over to 99designs.com/spp and they'll give you a Power Pack Upgrade, normally priced at $99, for FREE. 2. SPP now has a Facebook page We have BIG plans for SPP's Facebook presence, but it begins with a contest. If we reach certain numbers of Facebook "likes," EVERY fan of the page will get a prize. Head on over to the page, Like it, and give us your thoughts on what the prize should be. (The contest starts next week.) 3. We're going to be doing a Kickstarter campaign Listen to the episode for details, and listen in future weeks for further info. You're going to love it. For most of this week's show, we talked about Facebook marketing, which Sean has been doing a lot of, as it pertains to promoting authors and selling books. There's more mishmash in here too. Hey… we did our best, making up topics on the spot to fill a no-guest show! You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi7ZGNNUBjI SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.