SPP 096 – Showing Your Work and Stealing Like an Artist with Austin Kleon

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Featured image credit Blue Lily Photography Today's guest was Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like an Artist and the follow-up, Show Your Work. This was our longest SPP episode yet, so buckle in. You're going to feel so damn inspired. (Incidentally, we gave Austin adequate chances to escape but he kept saying he wanted to stay. Do you hear that, police out there investigating a hostage claim?) Dave has a huge boner over Austin's work, and hence is to thank for wrangling him onto our show. Dave wrote a tribute post here, and I have to say that after reading Austin's stuff myself, I basically want to invite him to be our fourth host of SPP. What he says is what we say, and what we say is what he says. Show Your Work is all about networking without networking and marketing without marketing. To increase exposure to your work, SHOW your work. For a preview, here are a bunch of book interiors he's already shared. This was a hell of a show. We even asked him about putting a unicorn in a story as a way of mashing-up our inspirations. Enjoy! You can watch the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i-DerlGKZ0 SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.