Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages

Red River Radio show

Summary: On Thursday, January 28, 2010 Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages presents our first show of the year. January brings a change for the show. Due to increasing demands at home the co-host Lori Calabrisi, who has done a wonderful job of working the phones and chat room needs to give up her duties. She will be missed very much! C. Maggie Woychik has graciously offered to take her place. C. (Chila) Maggie Woychik has over 75 published articles and poems in print magazines including War Cry, Wesleyan Life, Christian Home and School, Woman’s Touch (Leadership Edition), Young Salvationist, Purpose, Seek, Women Alive!, Evangel, Cross & Quill, and others, and ezines such as Christian Women Today (now, Haruah, Digital Dragon, and others. Her first book, I Run to the Hills: Reflections on the Christian Journey, has been released. Maggie will be talking about herself so everyone can get to know her. Our guests for the show are Donna McDine, Lea Schizas, and a mystery guest. Donna is the Marketing Manager for Stories for Children Magazine, has a picture book accepted for publication, and is a member of SCBWI. To learn more about her come listen to the show. We are very excited to visit with oour next guest.Lea Schizas has her own radio show on Blog Talk Radio, The Writing Jungle. She also founded the award winning Muse Online Writing Conference, the MuseItUp Club, Apollo's Lyre, Musing Our Children and has many published articles and books. Her inspiration has helped countless writers to further their writing and with her yearly online conferences she has created a very large and varied writing community. She is into so much it can't all be listed here. Mark this show on your calendars. I can't wait to interview her. Oh, and there might be a mystery guest. Tune in at 3PM Central time to find out who it is.