Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages with Host Barbara Ehrentreu

Red River Radio show

Summary: On Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 3PM Central time Host Barbara Ehrentreu and co-Host Freda Roberts are pleased to welcome Jill Helene Fettner as our guest. Jill has a story published in the popular anthology Chicken Soup series. Her story is in Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul, Vol II. She has also been a professional actor and she feels this has influenced her writing. In the spirit of the show, anyone who has anything published whether in book or story form is welcome here as a guest. My second guest author is Janie Franz, who has been on the show before. Janie has a new book, The Wayfarer's Road just released on August 6th by Breathless Press.It is the second volume in the Bowdancer Saga. Come by and learn more about Jill Helene and Janie Franz on Thursday, August 26th at 3PM Central time.