Red River Radio show

Summary: Be sure to listen on Monday August 30,8 PM CST Red River Radio / A Good Story Is A Good Story. It’s on every week, same time same place – www.blogtalkradio.com. Marsha Cook is the host and her co- hosts are April Robin, Freda Roberts and Virginia Grenier. Marsha is a screenwriter, novelist and the President of Marcus Bryan and Associates Michigan Avenue Media and Marcus Maxwell Inc. April is the CEO of Robin Falls, the creator of a wonderfully talented network of writers are well as children’s authors. Freda is a talented writer and creator of Literary Lounge on Facebook.Virginia is the Founder and Owner of Stories for Children Publishing LLC; she’s an author and editor and writes a successful blog. She will also be starting up her magazine very soon and we will be getting weekly updates on her progress. We will have an update of Bess the Book Bus a traveling bus that promotes literacy. Our special guest this week is Carmela Green Foster. She will be discussing how being on you tube can make your dreams become reality. There is a way and Carmela is going to talk about her techniques and some of her inside secrets that will help promote your books or just about anything that needs promoting. PR is the most important element in a successful project. Every week we will be having a few brief discussions. This week’s discussions are going to be ones that you won’t want to miss. APRILS’S PICK is a brief discussion about one of Hollywood's new TV hits. This week the show is PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. If that's not enough we have added a brief discussion about some of the golden moments of Hollywood Movies, FREDA’S FAVORITES. This week is FUNNY GIRL. We will also hear VIRGINIA’S PERSPECTIVE on what not to do when writing. There’s also a new addition to the show. An author will be calling in and sharing their new book and briefly talking about their career. Fran Lewis will be giving a mini preview on her new book, SHARP AS A TACK.