Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages with Host Barbara Ehrentreu

Red River Radio show

Summary: On Thursday, September 23rd at 3PM please come over and visit with host Barbara Ehrentreu and my new co-host Cindie Miller. Unfortunately, Freda Roberts, my co-host for most of this show's existence has had to bow out due to scheduling conflicts. However, Cindie has promised to take over. Our guests for this show are Jane Kelley with her first published MG novel, Nature Girl, and Sandro Isaack with his PB, Stork MIA. Though Jane Kelley lives in Brooklyn, NY she has written a novel about an eleven year old girl whose summer in Vermont turns out to be more of a learning experience than she had thought. Sandro Isaack"s PB deals with unions between same sex partners. His PB explores the idea of how to find the stork for Dad and Dad. Both authors met me at the same SCBWI workshop at which I met Jill Helene Fettner our guest in August. Please join Barbara Ehrentreu and Cindie Miller for our first Fall show at 3PM Central time on Thursday, September 23rd.