Cloudlife Podcast #2 14th February 2014

CloudLife show

Summary: The Cloudlife podcast is light hearted weekly round up of tech news and facts from Desynit. We'll be chatting about where to get the benefits for your business ...and how to avoid the pitfalls along the way. If you believe tech chat can be entertaining and educational, come and join us each week. Welcome to the Cloudlife podcast recorded on 14th February 2014 Listen to the podcast: Or subscribe to the podcast:   In the Podcast this week The week in review Valentines day?  Twitter hashtag #salesforcevalentine Jenny's Weekly Tip | Backup of Google Docs Amy’s Blog | Marketing automation, with a valentine twist Jessie May charity - Jez is running the Bath Half-marathon 2nd March Interesting stuff this week Chris Lewis - MVP lunch “MV Pizza” lunch Social for Chatter by Zimmic Salesforce Spring 14 release Coming up next week More talk of Spring 14 features as the release date gets closer Another fantastic tip from Jenny Bamber Desynit Team Australian Summer activity to do some cooking Another amazing Podcast and all sorts of cloud based chat The Team: Matthew Morris | The Brit : @matmorris Shaun Holmes | The African : @shaunholmless