75: Trombone Lullabies & Laugh ’til You Cry – Find Your Swing™ 8

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal  show

Summary: Episode 75 is another installment of the popular Find Your Swing™ show where Dawn Marrs (dot com) and I answer your questions about how to take what you know and what you love and turn them into a thriving solopreneurial business. Before we dove into your questions, Dawn and I had a quick catch up on what’s been happening in our respective businesses. Dawn is rockin’ it with a new network marketing company she’s in; she absolutely loves it! If you’re curious to know more, you can connect with her via the link in the resources section. And I have some exciting things going on with the Solopreneur Hour. In the last month, I have cracked the code on blowing up my download numbers for the podcast. I’ve had some of my biggest days yet in February and we’re going to exceed any previously set totals. If that wasn’t enough, I’ll be launching my first podcasting product later this year. I’ll take you through my entire creation process, step by step. If you want in on that action, join the list here or in the Resources section and you’ll be updated with launch details! And then we jumped into answering your questions, dear Soloists. We heard from a few of you and we gave some universally-applicable advice and ideas, such as: FB advertising strategies for expanding her business for an Etsy photographer: How you can apply it and work it in your biz Our idea for a virtual placement service for janitorial staff How our classical guitarist listener can leverage Fiverr to go viral and increase his profits Suggestions we have for an auto worker turned mediator on how to make the leap to solopreneurhood. What is SoloLab™, what value would you get out of it, who is in it and is it for you? What universal steps apply to our professional chef listener’s business idea - and how it also relates to your business? And in one fell swoop at the end of the show, I bring all of their ideas for a master business! Like all of our FYS shows, there are plenty of nuggets for every level and every stage of your solopreneurial journey. If you’re starting out or in full-swing mode, check out the show to get some fresh perspectives, new ideas or just a shot of energy. Resources from this episode: Episode 14 with Franco Gonzalez Contact Dawn Episode 65 With Rick Mulready Fill this out to join my product launch list Sarah the photographer, mentioned on this show Darren Roebuck on Episode 39 Mike Johnston on Rick Mulready's show SoloLab info Leave a review on iTunes Mike Johnston