2\16\2014 Fred Saluga

ParaPods.com show

Summary: This week we welcome Ufologist, Cryptozoologist and Paranormal Investigator Fred Saluga. About Fred: A former law enforcement officer, Fred is the state director of Mutual UFO Network of West Virginia. . He also is a Western Pennsylvania section director of MUFON of Pennsylvania. Fred has estimated that he has investigated "a couple thousand" UFO reports since the 1970s. Fred is a lecturer and teaches a free college class on Ufology and Cryptids at the Eastern Gateway Community College in Maryland. Saluga began investigating unidentified flying objects in the 1970s while employed as a law enforcement officer. He has investigated UFO sightings, abduction cases and other UFO-related activities and UFO phenomena in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and West Virginia. Fred has founded and heads up the West Virginia Center for Unexplained Events and the West Virginia Mountain State Sasquatch Watch. Fred is a member of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, Center For Unexplained Events, Center for Cryptozoological studies and many other groups. He is presently conducting research for a book entitled "UFOs and the Law Enforcement Response to the Phenomena." contact Saluga by e-mail at fsaluga@aol.com.