A Transatlantic Conversation: Managing Migration in the Era of Mobility

Migration Policy Institute Podcasts show

Summary: This Migration Policy Institute panel discussion, presented in cooperation with the Greek Embassy, explores how the 2014 Greek Presidency of the European Union and the United States can work to address the challenges of managing migration while meeting humanitarian obligations and nurturing economic growth. Speakers are: Ambassador of Greece to the United States Christos P. Panagopoulos; U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne Richard; MPI CEO Michael Fix; and moderator Demetrios G. Papademetriou, the President of MPI. As the 2014 Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union works to formulate the European Union’s next five-year program, two interconnected challenges have come to the fore: building a comprehensive migration system whose parts work harmoniously to meet humanitarian obligations and nurture economic growth and social cohesion, and doing so with very limited resources.Europe is not alone in the difficulties it faces in meeting these goals—and in fact shares many of these challenges with the United States. This discussionbridges these critical themes and offer ideas on how to manage more effectively the opportunities and responsibilities migration writ large creates.Download Standard Podcast