Use An Offer Wall To Increase Your EPC

IMScalable Five Minute Marketing Podcast show

Summary:    Today I want to talk to you about a trick to increase your EPC - that’s your Earnings Per Click. This is the metric that makes you money. Forget about conversion rates, forget about all that soft stuff, I'm talking about things that put dollars in wallets: EPC. But before I show you how to easily increase your EPC—effectively increasing your sales and profits—I want to take a minute to explain EPC to you. EARNINGS PER CLICK (EPC): THE MOST IMPORTANT METRIC Let me explain EPC in the simplest of terms. When you calculate your EPC, you're figuring out exactly how much money you made (or lost) on each click in an online marketing campaign. Basically, you would divide how much money you made off the campaign by the TOTAL amount of clicks that you got. If you're not familiar with your EPC, I suggest you get started immediately. If you're not sure where to begin, I highly recommend you to start out by reading a previous post called Why Your Conversion Rate is a Liar & a Thief. It breaks down why your conversion rate is deceiving you and causing you to LOSE money while you actually think you're making it—and more importantly, that post introduces you to EPC and why it's the most important metric in online advertising. YOUR EPC WANTS SOME TLC What I'm about to tell you is extremely simple, yet not as obvious as one may think. The simple trick to increase your EPC is by increasing how much money someone is spending when they actually make an online purchase from you. Simple, I know. But few people pay as much attention as they should to their EPC. Unfortunately, that means that if you have just one product in your sales funnel, then you're going to be limited to just that finite amount of money that you can earn from each sale and this trick isn't possible for you. So to employ this super easy trick, you have to have some kind of upsell, multiple upsells or downsells. In other words, you have to have more than just one thing that you sell. If you've ever wondered why so many companies and 'gurus' and all those millionaires have upsells and downsells, now you know. It's because it increases their EPC. And when you increase the EPC—how much you're earning per click—that means you can spend more per click, which means you can bid out all the competitors. That’s how you win at this game. Increase the EPC, lower the CPC. THE EASIEST WAY TO INSTA-INCREASE YOUR EPC The trick to easily increase your EPC is to use an offer wall. An offer wall is simply a page that is designed to look like a 'Wall of Offers'. Marketers often employ the offer wall technique at the end of their sales funnel. That means that after a customer has made a purchase, the customer will then presented with several different offers at a discounted price. This lets the buyer see everything they could possible purchase right there, laid out neatly and organized into boxes for them. Then, the buyer is free to simply click on anything and everything that they would like to add to their original purchase. Naturally, this increases the average amount of each sale and therefor increases how much money you make on each click. WORKS FOR ANY PRODUCT IN ANY NICHE The offer wall is a strategy that I see top marketers using in almost any niche and for pretty much any product. I've seen affiliate marketers do. What they do is they drive traffic to a squeeze page and then as soon as the user goes through that squeeze page, there is an offer wall with multiple affiliate products that the user can buy. I've seen media buyers use this technique. Instead of acting as an affiliate and driving traffic to a page that has an offer for just one product, media buyers will straight up drive the traffic to an offer wall that has several affiliate offers right there together. That way, instead of basically having a 50-50 shot of making a sale or not on the single offer page,