How To Give Your VSL a Makeover With Kinetic Typography

IMScalable Five Minute Marketing Podcast show

Summary:    Today I'm going to show you a new visual design technique that'll help keep your viewers' eyes glued to the screen when they watch your VSL. Lately, it seems like every VSL looks almost the same. So keeping your audience engaged and listening to your sales message is going to take a switch-up—something they're not used to seeing all the time. Today, I'm going to show you how to take your existing sales letter and make it much more visually stimulating. It can drive your conversion rate up to levels you've never seen before. Or, if your sales letter used to work really well, but the conversions are starting to fall off—it could very well be because it's visually outdated. This new design technique will solve that problem for you. THE PROBLEM WITH TODAY'S VIDEO SALES LETTERS For a long time now, video sales letters, for the most part, have just been a white background with black text displaying the words that are being spoken. It's almost like somebody's reading to the viewer. Here's the thing, though. When I'm doing my Facebook ads, one of the most common complaints I get on the ads is “Why are you reading to me? Just show me the sales letter. I don’t need you to read to me,” or “Why does it go so slow?” So I think people are getting a little annoyed because that style has become so popular that seeing it so many times makes people feel like they're being sold something and it rubs them the wrong way (of course, it depends on your market, if your market doesn't see a lot of them this may not pertain to you). If your market sees a lot of video sales letters then this could help you drive your conversions even higher on your existing sales letter. After the white background with the black text, people started using the doodle board technique--it looks like a little pencil-drawing that illustrates whatever is being read to the viewer. But even that’s become rampant. So we always need to freshen things up. And the way that you can freshen it up is something that’s been working lately—it's a new visual design technique called kinetic typography. WHAT IS KINETIC TYPOGRAPHY? Remember the old powerpoint effects from back in the day? When words would come down on the screen and roll away off to the side. Sentences would come swirling onto the screen and then dissolve away. Or sometimes the text would slowly appear on the screen and then quickly whiz off to the side like a speeding bullet. Well that's actually cool again these days. Except that it's much more intense than powerpoint ever was. While you probably could use powerpoint for this, you really want to hire a professional. Here's an example that was done by a visual design student. This video does kinetic typography to the famous song “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. You've probably heard this song lots and lots of times before. But click play and watch how your eyes stay glued to the screen as the words on the screen almost play out what is being sung in the song. Black and white is the strategy of yesteryear. It's very static, very slow and nothing's really moving. Now the words are moving and they're jumping over each other and the 'kinetic typography' (the moving words) is playing out exactly what's being said. It's visually stimulating and you can even imply certain ideas just by the movement of the words. If you want more examples and inspiration for your own sales letter, just search for 'kinetic typography' on Google or—even better—on YouTube and you'll see lots of different examples. And if you want the hook up on a really good source to get your video re-made using kinetic typography, send me an email and I'll share a great recommendation for who you can hire. I'm not just going to give that info to everybody. So hit me up at for my awesome typography connect.  Questions? Comments? Need more advice? Let's discuss it in the comments section. I always reply...