You Should Test Animated Headlines On Your Sales Page

IMScalable Five Minute Marketing Podcast show

Summary:    What if you could increase the stickiness of your page or sales letter by using one simple, low-budget trick? I think you'd jump right on that! In this blog post, I'm going to show you a very low-budget way to increase the conversions on your sales page, homepage, your opt-in page, whatever it is that you use. Basically, if the page has a headline, this trick can help you increase conversions and stickiness on that page. I'm talking about animated headlines. What is an Animated Headline? The name kind of speaks for itself. An animated headline is a headline that has some eye-catching movement to it. It's a quick and easy split test to run on your pages that has the potential to give you a significant boost in results. Some people are calling the concept 'dynamic headlines.' I think 'animated' fits it better. So what does one of these 'animated headlines' look like? Well, when a visitor gets to the site, it may look like somebody's actually typing the headline out on the page. Or maybe when the page loads, the visitor sees a headline—but then slowly more words start to be added to the headline that catch the viewer's attention and give more meaning to the headline itself. (People have been getting really creative with this. If you Google animated headlines there's some options out there that you can check out.) Animating Your Headline There are 2 ways of 'animating' your headline, both are simple and easy to implement. You can use a script called typer.js or you can create a GIF image. You can create your GIF image in Photoshop. Simply create a GIF image and that will show a change the text. You can Google 'creating a GIF in photoshop' for some tutorials. However, keep in mind that a GIF is an image and won't look like webpage text. The other option is to do with a script called typer.js which will actually look like the text on the page is being manipulated and in many cases, can be more eye-catching than the GIF. You can easily get the typer.js script here, or by running a Google search and clicking on the first result. If you want some creative examples, I suggest you search YouTube for typer.js headlines. You'll probably need to hire a freelancer or a Fiverr guy to install it for you, if you really want to do it right. But it shouldn't be expensive at all. I suggest you get a freelance, because it is a little bit techy. But basically, you put a little bit of code on your page and now it will type your headline on to the page without needing to use an image. So try that as a split test on some of your pages and I bet you'll get a little bit of a boost on your conversions. Questions? Comments? Let's discuss in the comments section below... Related Articles 5 Things Every Sales Page Must Have Swipe and Deploy These Multi-Million Dollar Earning Headlines How to Write Winning Headlines, Blog Titles and Subject Lines The 20% of SEO that Creates 80% of the Results