The Teri O'Brien Show - Jul 05,2009

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: What an awesome time I had speaking at the Homer Glen tea party yesterday! Video posted at Thanks to SL (Smart Listener) Frank for calling the show today and reminding us of this very insightful American Thinker piece, “Obama, the African Colonial.” L.E. Ikenga’s article should be a must-read for every American. It’s official, according to the Lame Stream Media: Sarah Palin is a manipulative narcissistic diva. Just ask Todd Purdom, who wrote the latest hit piece, “It Came From Wasila.” Yet, the same hypercritical media watchdogs exhibted ZERO curiosity about President Zero prior to the election, and their outrage over taxpayer funded travel seems extremely selective. Consider the $13 million Congress spent on overseas travel in 2008. No recession there. The Obamas’ jet setting date nights at tax payer expense evoke sighs and swoons from an admiring press corps, who pursue Gov. Palin and her family like a band of blood thirsty jackals. Her daughters are considered fair game for ridicule, while the Obama daughters are beyond off limits. Even favorable stories about them are considered beyond the pale. Who really seems to exhibit more characteristics of narcissism--Gov. Palin or He Who Walks on Water? Do we really think that the arrogant, thin-skinned former community organizer could have withstood one-tenth of the scrutiny and critical coverage that the vicious media inflicted on Sarah Palin and her family? Based on the absurd responses I got from one of his staffers this week on his vote in favor of Cap and Tax, my congressman, Dan Lipinski, thinks I’m an idiot. Pat Hickey’s piece raises another interesting question that we might want to ask our congressman, if we can get him to talk to us. OOPs--5th grade teacher gives her students a DVD with her homemade sex tape on it, but since it “wasn’t intentional,” she shouldn’t be fired. Of course not! And some people wonder why parents want to home school their children?