The Teri O'Brien Show - Oct 04,2009

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: For links to these stories, please visit AFGHANISTAN •Ten US soldiers killed in Afghanistan •Almost a Lost Cause': The Battle of Wanat •White House Eyeing Narrower War Effort, Top Officials Challenge General's Assessment •Useful Idiot of the Week: Katrina “Who’s my congressman?” VandenHueval THE OLYMPICS •First Lady's Olympian Effort Falls Short, But Her Impassioned Appeal Earns Plaudits •The Obamas Violated First Three Rules of Selling •Lame Gray Lady: NYT Scrubs Major Portion of Original Obama-Olympics Article, Inserts Meeting with McChrystal •Bill Bennett Says Chicago is Fat People Eating Most Innovative Defense for Looking at At Work, and the Guy Asserting It Is On Our Dime Chris Cuomo demonstrates why members of the Lame Stream Media think being able to read from a TelePrompTer is the most accurate measure of intelligence. Chicago Cabbies Want Vomit Tax. Is this the real reason that we didn’t get the Olympics? Yet another “is conservatism dead?” article, this time by Steven Hayward in the WaPo: “Meanwhile, the "birthers" have become the "grassy knollers" of the right; their obsession with Obama's origins is reviving frivolous paranoia as the face of conservatism. (Does anyone really think that if evidence existed of Obama's putative foreign birth, Hillary Rodham Clinton wouldn't have found it 18 months ago?)” Please remember to tell your friends, to mark the show as a “Favorite” on blogtalkradio, and to follow me on Twitter. Thanks from the bottom of my well-conditioned heart!