The Teri O'Brien Show - Oct 11,2009

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: For links to these stories please visit Obama wins the “I’m Not George W. Bush” Prize Afghanistan Barack Obama ready to pay Afghan fighters to ditch the Taliban What could go wrong with this brilliant plan? Emerging Goal for Afghanistan: Weaken, Not Vanquish, Taliban So they can be like Hezbollah, which everyone knows, has worked out FABULOUSLY. Weren’t they the ones behind the murder of the Marines in Beirut, or aren’t we supposed to remember that? Speaking of what could go wrong, the horrible story of sweat lodge charlatan. Like The One, recommended by the Oprah. Carlsbad Self-Help Author James Arthur Ray Investigated for Sweat Lodge Deaths Lodge Victim Was in Shape, Family Says Obama’s Gay Speech: “I will end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ he says. And speaking of fabulous, B. Hussein panders to homosexual activists “Dreams,” a Literary Fraud? As discussed here, this is not news, but Billy Ayers childish behavior toward the classy Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative is. 2010 Census Still a Boondoggle for the Left