The Teri O'Brien Show - Oct 18,2009

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: For links to these stories, please visit the Show Notes page at Barack’s Big Easy Blow Off Hussein made a stopover in New Orleans, taking long enough to recite his response to another staged question from a kid prop, before jetting off to a $34,000 a couple fundraiser in San Francisco. Questions Remain After Obama’s New Orleans Visit Obama’s SF Fundraiser: Crowds Gathering, pro and con, and packed house already Boy to Obama: Why Do People Hate You? MMM…Could it be because you keep using innocent children as props for his predictable, mendacious monologues? Or maybe it’s stuff like this: Tentative Inspection Program Would Allow Russia to Visit U.S. Nuclear Sites 1 in 7 Girls at Robeson High School Get Pregnant NBC’s Latest Idiotic Liberal Cause, Bringing to the Rest of America What Liberals Did for the Black Community Valerie Jarrett, Maria Shriver et. al. on Meet The Press David Axelrod Appeared on George S’s ABC show, and Did What He Does Best, Obfuscate and Otherwise Try to Put Lipstick on his Puppet Pig, this time about the “Dr. Fix.” What a second--I thought we were going to get the money for all the “free” health care Obama is giving us from his stash from cuts in Medicare? What Every Member Needs to Know about a Long-Term “Doc Fix” As I always say, never doubt me (this means you, Husband). I told you the Balloon Boy thing was a hoax as soon as it happened, but since when can our friends in the 5th column Jurassic media resist hoaxes launched by phony narcissistic publicity seekers with agendas? Isn’t that how we ended up with B. Hussein masquerading as a defender of the U.S. Constitution? Charges expected in Colorado balloon case Sharpton threatens to sue Rush over op-ed remarks Coming next: Richard Heene to sue those who call him a phony narcissistic publicity seeker with an agenda.