The Teri O'Brien Show - Oct 25,2009

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: For links to these stories, please visit Washington Times:Obama’s New World Order AP: “Health Insurer Profits Not So Fat” What were you saying, Sham WOW, about those greedy insurance companies? Politico: Gibbs Admits Mistake re Fox Right, another “mistake.” Oh, never mind. Nothing to see here. Attempting to exclude Fox News from the pool report on the pay czar was the action of a low-level staffer. Right, except that days earlier top level advisors were on the Sunday shows in an obviously coordinated attack on the one network actually covering stories other than Michelle’s garden. Washington Times: Another judicial radical Wall Street Journal: White House Met Privately With Many Left-Wing Opinionistas Political: Olbermann at the White House ACORN News Fox News: Critics of ACORN Vow to Form New Group Under Same Name in Louisiana Meet the New ACORN. Same as the Old ACORN Newsbusters: LAT Runs Op-Ed by ACORN Consultant Without Disclosing Relationship; Patterico Pounces Meet the New ACORN, same as the old ACORN. Whatever it takes to keep the federal spigot gushing. Meanwhile, with dems in charge of Congress, “oversight” will consist of making sure they are available to help out in 2010. Things to watch for during a “Declared National Emergency”? What’s behind it? Push for socialized medicine or something more sinister? The Lonely Conservative: About that WaPo/ABC News Poll and the Public Option The Bogus Death Statistic That Won’t Die MS-NBC Screamer Chris Matthews, he of the thrill up his leg when he hears man-god Obama speak, has a new man crush, this time on palooka freshman democrat congressman Alan Grayson (D- Arrested Development), who he calls "Captain Cajones." Listen to his response to Chris Matthews’ question about Vice President Cheney’s criticism of the Obama administration for dithering on Afghanistan.