The Teri O'Brien Show - Jan 31,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Awesome first caller speaks serious truth to power about race baiters and Obama’s crypto-socialist agenda. If you missed the show, download it and check it out. BHO’s “Unprecedented” Visit to the GOP Retreat No matter how many times the LSM claims this “unprecendented” visit was the greatest achievement since Moses descended from Mt Sinai, it is just a cheap political stunt, which unlike most things in this administration is very transparent. Best lie from the event: “I am not an ideologue.” Right. Neither is Bill Ayers. Hear the soundbites, where B. Hussein in his own words, refutes his assertion. Obama’s Stunning Admission The Teri O’Brien Show had if for you first. B. Hussein admits that he has been lying for over a year when he endlessly repeats “If you like your health care, you can keep your health care.” (H/T Tom Bevans, Real Clear Politics) Obama Mouthpiece, True to Form, Lies on MTP and Defends Sham WOW’s no-class attack on the Supreme Court at his Endless State of the Union Speech BHO campaign continues to target your kids In Ohio, school credit for helping elect democrats in 2010. No wonder BHO’s highest priority seems to be funneling as much of our hard-earned money as possible into the pockets of his teacher union buddies’ pockets. (H/T Pam Gellar, Atlas Shrugged) Michelle’s Latest Crusade: Putting Her Daughters on a Diet and Telling the World about it What ever happened to “the kids are off limits?” Why not start with David Axelrod, Christina Romer and Robert Gibbs? Good grief, Axelrod has almost as many chins as Chris Dodd. Is Michelle Antoinette really the one to talk? Has she seen herself from behind lately? What is wrong with this woman? Remember during the campaign when she was always talking smack about her husband--saying he was stinky, and too stupid to put away the butter? Counterpoint: When It Pays to Be Obese