The Teri O'Brien Show - Mar 28,2010

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Health Care Bill-Only the Beginning of O’s Dragging Us Down the Road to Serfdom Surprise! When no one reads the bill, there are lots of surprises. No worries, Comrades. All mistakes will be cleaned up “as determined by the Secretary.” None of that pesky democracy. “It’s very clear that no one read this health care bill. Of course they didn’t! Because it didn’t matter what was in it. The key was getting the foot in the door, and just like an unpleasant, unwanted houseguest. Once they get their duffle bag thrown on your guest room floor, and get themselves ensconced, they are almost impossible to remove.” -Teri The One’s 15 Recess Appointments-Who is Craig Becker? SEIU’s Lawyer, and therefore, Sham WOW’s BFF As Dick “Eddie Haskell” Durbin said (listen to the show to hear the soundbite), that’s what’s necessary to get “the kind of America we want.” The racial epithets, death threats, etc. against democrats are as phony as ever, designed to silence any substantive objections to BHO’s agenda. Chuckie the Schumer, on MTP, repeats Obama’s most essential lie: if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Caller Mensa: A communist is just a socialist who really means it, and tells us he’s on the hunt for new swear words. What a shock! A guy who spent 20 years hanging out with a screeching anti-American, anti-semitic, racist thinks Palestinian terrorists are “freedom fighters.” The reason I am not optimistic about legal challenges to Obamacare “Doctors will be disciplined” says Dem leader Essential in the Age of Obama-a Bottle of Scotch and a Straw New Obama Slogan-”To Control the People” Former Enron Consultant/Liberal Death Star Obama Shill Paul Krugman says Death Panels save money. Wait … I thought there were no death panels.. Sidewalk rage-Join my Facebook Group, Demand Obama Stop Using Brooks and Dunn’s “Only in America” Follow me on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook Thank you from the bottom of my well-conditioned heart