Dynamically Spoken: Episode 7 – To Level 80 and Beyond

The GuildMag Podcast show

Summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdY55-m5BS4 The second part of our overall review is here - and in a new video format too! Once again, Steven and I are joined by Ally to round up our thoughts on Guild Wars 2 overall (especially it's higher level content). In this episode, our topics of discussion cover: Is there an 'endgame' in Guild Wars 2? Are dungeons too hard? What awesome gear is available to you at level 80? Are dynamic events in Orr as orr-some (awesome) as we were told? Links to check out Legendary weapons crafting guide | Guild Wars 2 Guru How to get involved We’re always looking for you to get involved in the podcast! Visit http://www.guildmag.com/involved to find out more information on how you can do this. Remember to use the comments system to send feedback on this episode! Theme tune created by Shew - thanks!