Dynamically Spoken: Episode 12 – Culling Children

The GuildMag Podcast show

Summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bko9SFhbr-g Come take a look at this week's Guild Wars 2 podcast, covering the latest news surrounding Guild Wars 2, including WvW culling and sPvP legendaries! Weekly News The end of culling in WvW approaches. Click for the official blog post. New to the Gem Store: Hoodies and Riding Clothes. More info here. Isaiah Cartwright speaks to Forbes on the complexity of current systems - read the article here. Colin Johanson suggests existence a sixth jungle-themed elder dragon in this Eurogamer interview. 'Big' patches may be a thing of the past as ArenaNet looks to release important features when they're ready. This and more from the latest Sate of the Game podcast. Main Discussion Will WvW culling work? Has the jungle dragon really been confirmed? Will we see more Maguuma soon? Links to check out Nameplates in Aion - will they be similar in GW2? Ally's Twitter Rohan's Twitter Jason's YouTube channel & Twitter How to get involved We’re always looking for you to get involved in the podcast! Visit http://www.guildmag.com/involved to find out more information on how you can do this. Remember to use the comments system to send feedback on this episode! Theme tune created by Shew - thanks!