Dynamically Spoken: Episode 13 – The Razing Preview

The GuildMag Podcast show

Summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt0cjSAXPuM This week's episode takes a look at the upcoming March patch for Guild Wars 2. Weekly News A preview post for Flame & Frost: The Razing has been released, which you can find here. Note that since recording the patch has gone live - find the patch notes here. An official post on upcoming WvW changes has been posted. Check it out here. Another official post concerning changes to guild missions, including a new type of bounty, has also been posted. Click the link for more info. Main Discussion What will The Razing patch bring? Speculation: what might the first April Fool's joke in Guild Wars 2 be? Check out this Reddit post for one possibility. Snaff rejoins Destiny's Edge - with a twist. Ally points out this funny Reddit post. Links to check out Ally's Twitter Rohan's Twitter Jason's YouTube channel & Twitter How to get involved We’re always looking for you to get involved in the podcast! Visit http://www.guildmag.com/involved to find out more information on how you can do this. Remember to use the comments system to send feedback on this episode! Theme tune created by Shew - thanks!