Episode 210 with Ryan Ferrier

Where Monsters Dwell show

Summary: Listen to episode 210 now! This week on the only LIVE comics radio show that chooses to be judged by a jury of it's peers, we welcome comic writer Ryan Ferrier to the Monster Cave. Ryan is the creator and writer of the hilarious Tiger Lawyer, a comic about a tiger…who is also a lawyer. He is also hard at work on The Brothers from 215ink. If you have a question for Ryan or a need legal advise from a big cat in a suit, feel free to post it on our Facebook wall or give us a call at 506-453-4949. Also; Ryan Lee joins us for our 'Shit Comics Reviewers Say'segmento; This week we picked up Darth Maul: Death Sentence #1 and Green Lantern #11 from Strange Adventures.