NTR - 2012 Debunked

Nowhere to Run show

Summary: 2012 theories are a lot like snowflakes. No two are alike. There are a multitude of reasons as to why there is so much disagreement amongst theorists and researchers regarding events purportedly to happen in 2012, and more specifically, why they believe these events are going to happen. Let us first examine what may likely be the most common 2012 theory, which claims that on December 21, 2012 there will be some form of mystical astronomical alignment with the center of our galaxy. There are two main versions of this part of the theory, the first of which states that the alignment occur when the sun rises above the horizon on December 21st 2012 (the winter solstice) at which point the sun will rise in the middle of the milky way, thus causing an alignment between the earth sun and the galactic center This does appear accurate and can be verified this with an astronomy program. However, there are at least two problems with this concept, the first of which is that this event is only significant from the earth’s point of view. The precession cycle or the 26,000 year wobble of the earth only causes the EFFECT of the stars changing position on the horizon. The visual effect only occurs from the earth’s perspective, so that if you were viewing this “precession” from anywhere else in the solar system it would be completely insignificant and uneventful. There is no gravitational force or radiation to be expected from this event because other than the tilt of the earth, nothing will be any different than the last few thousand solstices and as such, the Earth will be no closer to the galactic center than any other day. If the Mayans did in fact point to this event with their calendar (which we will look into later) it should be noted how the overall event is harmless and seemingly insignificant beyond its role in time keeping and/or for religious purposes. But there is no reason to believe it will be an event of a magnitude so great that there will be a pole shift or any other cataclysms, as in reality it is a visual illusion and not an “Earth changing” event of any true physical power. Another issue with the December 21, 2012 date is that because the precession is so slow there is almost no difference between say, December 21, 2008 and , and December 21, 2012. This is because technically, the sun will "rise in galactic center" for this year’s winter solstice, just as it will in 2012. In fact here is a quote from John Major Jenkins one of the major proponents of the 2012 theories from a part of his website called "Response to Counter arguments " he says: “In the interest of clarity, I will mention that it would be more accurate to say that the alignment occurs in the ERA of A.D. 2012; because precession is such a slow phenomenon, fifty years on either side of 2012 might be appropriate.” by John Major Jenkins The second camp of belief surrounding the 2012 alignment issue is probably the more significant of the two because it is dealing with the solar system’s actual location in relation to galactic center. This is the idea that our little solar system is moving around the center of the galaxy every 225 years or so million years or so, and while doing so it is moving up and down in a cycle crossing the plane every 33 million years. So are we going to cross that galactic plane in 2012? Absolutely not! According to the journal Nature, as well as many others, there is evidence of crossing this plane 3 million years ago. This would mean that we are moving away from the galactic plane and won’t be due to cross it for another 30 million years and that’s failing to mention that the margin of error in these calculations in at least 2.1 parsecs or about 6.5 light years making images like these and statements like this: completely meaningless. What about a Pole Shift? Although many theorists disagree on whether this pole shift will be magnetic or a physical shifting of the crust of the ea(continued)