How 2012 "Enlightenment" Will Lead To Genocide

Nowhere to Run show

Summary: *feel free to re post, fix typos as needed* Since the early days of the 2012 theories when David Wilcock was channeling an entity named "Ra" people were told that 2012 was really all about enlightenment. This idea is the one we are supposed to believe I think, Yes I know, this is a bit of an insult to those who think that they have uncovered the idea that 2012 was really about a "consciousness shift" or "spiritual evolution" as opposed to some doomsday situation through their diligent research. Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but this has been the line even back when 2012 'enlightenment' was supposed to have occurred in 2000 (it was pushed back after it didn't happen). Nowadays, it would be very difficult to find a 2012 website that doesn't make a claim similar to the following: 'Many people think 2012 is about the end of the world, but that is what stupid people think, we smart people know that it is really about a great cosmic shift in consciousness' Ok, they might be a little more subtle than that. But what I am saying is that you only think your the only one who knows 2012 is supposed to be about spiritual evolution, this what what you were meant to think all along. The idea, if properly presented, has many uses for a global government. One of which will be acceptance of the genocide of dissenters of that new system. Im not saying the people behind promulgating the ideas are part of a secret cabal or anything (for the most part anyway) in fact, I think they really do believe their sources, in Wilcock's case his source is "Ra" and as we will see, there are many types of "Ra's" out there, and they are extremely concerned with getting those who are willing to listen to them, to tell the world about this coming "enlightenment" in or around 2012. The idea is that the planet is due for a change in consciousness, they say its a spiritual evolution. Some say it will be physical as well as spiritual shift. They offer various pseudo scientific reasons for this happening, most of them if pressed, will default to a variation of the following to explain why we are to expect a spiritual evolution: That a vibrational change, which is supposed to be due to the solar system entering a certain nebula in or around 2012, will cause us to raise our "vibration" and thus change to new spiritual beings. I covered this theory in depth in my video "Michael Tsarion is Wrong 2009 a Debunkumentary" Where I found that not only are we moving away from the star system where this nebula supposedly is, but to suggest that the solar system passes through anything at all as a result of the 26,000 year precession cycle requires a fundamental misunderstanding of the precession cycle, which has nothing to do with the solar system's position in the galaxy and therefore could never tell you when the solar system was going to enter a nebula, no matter how well you understand it. It simply does not, and never will have anything to do with that. And even if they meant to tell us that they were referring to the 250 million year cycle of the solar system's revolution around the galaxy instead of the 26k precession cycle, then in addition to all the problems with the precession version of enlightenment (i.e moving away from the proposed nebula as well as literally no astronomical data that says we will be entering into any nebula at all, especially not in 2012) you also are expecting people to believe that nebulas somehow are made up of captured light particles as opposed to dust, gas, and plasma, which is a logical fallacy in itself, as light by its nature is moving rather rapidly and doesn't gather in nebulas or anywhere else, and even this is assuming that nebulas are somehow known to cause spiritual enlightenment, but there is absolutely no reason to think this, even if they were made up of light, which they are not. The whole thing is based on logical impossibilities. And if someone tries to appeal to secret "ancient knowle(continued)