The Amulet - Chapter 1 part 1

The Amulet show

Summary: **ThisŠaudio version is currently being produced into a professional Audio book.Š This FREE version will be TAKEN DOWN ON 8/31/12. please make sure you listen to it before that time to avoid dissappointment.Š Thank you.**To seventeen-year-old Faedra, faeries were nothing more than the figurines she collected and displayed in her curio cabinet.Š She was in for the surprise of her life.Š Š Faedra had no idea that faeries controlled nature, and with a book no less.Š Nor did she know that her descendants had protected an ancient fae amulet for thousands of years.Š An amulet that if ever was reunited with the book would give the wearer power to control the weather, too.Š She didn’t know all this because the one person to teach her died when she was just six years old.Š Well, now it was time for her to find out… Š A letter from the grave reveals her true identity the day of her eighteenth birthday.Š But she barely has time to digest the revelation when she is plunged into a fight for her life and that of mankind.