02/12/2014 Czaban Hour 2

The Steve Czaban Podcast show

Summary: The weather is warm in Sochi. IOC cancelling their daily troubleshooting meetings. Shaun White doesn't medal in snowboarding. Lebron thinks he's one of the greatest. Michael Sam's father isn't so supportive. Sam texted his father that he was gay. Wouldn't you call him and tell him first. CFL player puts out a homophobic tweet. KNOW YOUR GEAR: Czaban's dads old golf driver, Czaban found his specially made bowling ball, Old Bowman baseball cards were bigger. Pink eye experts are all speaking on Costas. Guest: Rick Horrow - Yahoo Sports Business: Rick didn't go to Sochi this year. He's headed to New Orleans for the NBA all star game. CBS to get half of the Thursday night games.