Near Death Experience (NDE) Death and Life Review

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary:   Geoffrey Faulkner's spiritual journey began with visitations by angelic beings and a childhood , and a later drowning NDE while in the Navy. He recounts how these episodes opened up his receptivity to the visions and visitations---i ncluding a visitation by Jesus Christ; and his ongoing "channel" with Pleiadian and Arcturians, who are part of a seven nation confederation which is preparing mankind for disclosure and ultimately what could be termed ascension. Geoff outlines key events given to him in a time line from 2012 to 2018...including a third world war, China's failed nuclear attack backfires...Earth 2...also, the physics of wormholes, ET contacts over the history of Earth, the negative ETs, and more. Note: There are controversial topics discussed, from channeled material. Discernment and common sense should be exercised, and peace not fear should guide this, and all materials related to near-future prophecy. NDE experiencer and former Navy man Geoff Faulkner shares his Predictions– 2018. Geoff is a relatively unknown intuitive who was shown by aDivine Type Being, many World-Wide Catastrophic Events i.e.911, and publically predicted the 6.8 Seattle Earthquake four years ago and even had USGS contact him as to how he could have predicted the event. Several years ago the Being showed him that the Monetary System would eventually collapse and the system itself is already defunct and unsustainable and we are heading for huge and total collapse of the Monetary System because people are not working, they’re not buying anything and the Greed Game is about to end! By 2018 there will only be One-Third of the population left…  / listener call in 661-467-2407 (c) 2014 / all rights reserved