Episode 27 - Common Sense FC

A Football Report show

Summary: We all love a good crisis here on the podcast, so it seems only right that this week’s show that we take a long hard look at the woes of Manchester United. After conceding a 94th minute equaliser against the Premier League’s bottom club, whilst employing tactics that use more crosses than a teacher marking a fiendishly difficult maths test, we’ll be discussing just what is going on at Old Trafford, and why things don’t seem to quite be going to plan for David Moyes. We’ll also be taking a look at the problem that faces 3 in 5 Premier League footballers within 5 years of their retirement: bankruptcy. How does it happen to stars who seem to be set for life, and what sort of support is in place for those who get into financial trouble? If our rambling on this isn’t enough, then you can also watch an excellent short documentary on the topic right here. Then it’s off to Brazil, where the likes of Gilberto Silva have started to campaign for an improvement to players’ rights. As the domestic league seems to be in a state of stagnation, we’ll discussing the emergence of the Common Sense FC movement, and what it hopes to achieve in the country that will be hosting this years’ World Cup. If you want to get a bit more info on this, then you can read a superb interview with Gilberto Silva himself <a href="http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/feb/10/brazil-football-gilberto-silva-common-sense-fc">here</a>. Our favourite snap from this week’s #whereisfootball Instagram project is provided courtesy of dermixen, who’s shot of the Grünwalder Stadium in Munich will be gracing the podcast’s cover art this week. Remember, you can get in touch with the team by emailing afrvoice@gmail.com, or on Twitter @AFRvoice. You can also find us on iTunes here.