Dare to be a Daniel

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: We have started this year with a series on prayers in the Bible and it has been great. In that time I have seen God answer prayers and His people pray new ones. This month we are moving the prayer series into the book of Daniel. Most of us have heard of Daniel–he is one of the heroes of the Old Testament: he braves the lion’s den; he stands when others fall; he prays when others shrink in fear. He has amazing dreams. Daniel lived in a culture that was foreign to him, with different faiths, customs and values. They tried to change Daniel; they tried to shape him into what they wanted him to be but Daniel dared to be something else by being a man of prayer and faith. Some say we live in a post-Christian culture. You could have said Daniel lived in a post-God culture, but it was not for Daniel and I believe it will not be for us either. Downloads