The Whole Indy Show 02-07-14 now archived


Summary: The Whole Indy Show returns with Ashley, Randy &amp; Sandro providing you with another slice of Indy goodness. On the news this week, WWE posts an article of Ring Of Honor and the talents that have been signed from that company, KENTA speaks out on his time at the WWE Performance center, ROH announces a fan convention on their Anniversary show weekend and an interesting match is set for Wrestlecon in April. There’s then results from Quintessential Pro Wrestling, Dreamwave Wrestling &amp; Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s DDT4 2014 event. The then finally briefly run over the 2 Ashes videos posted before National Pro Wrestling Day.<br> The second part has the guys reviewing National Pro Wrestling Day and the culmination of all the events leading to the resurrection of Chikara, set to officially return on May 25th. They also discuss an interview that Mike Quackenbush recently did, where he talks quite openly, something Quack rarely does, explaining how and why it all went down in the manner that it did when Chikara went dark. A lot of great matches on the card are talked about, as well as over $7,500 was raised for the against Malaria foundation. They also talk about a new Ashes video posted a few days after the event, which seems to point to AssailANT getting a new identity.<br> Finally, the third segment has previews of a couple of shows in California that L-Train gives news on, as well as New Japan’s two ‘New Beginning’ iPPV shows over the weekend and into next week, AIW’s TGIF event, Excellence Pro Wrestling’s debut show, ROH’s ‘State Of The Art’ event, WSU’s third Secret Show and their ‘Mutiny’ iPPV and CZW’s 15h Anniversary Show iPPV.<br> <a href=""></a><br>