David O. Atkins Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd

Virtually Speaking show

Summary: David Atkins discusses a world where the central banks' closest partners, the money center banks, routinely engage in criminal activity. It has the effect of turning the entire economy into a house of cards: If that's a terrifying thought, it should be. This isn't a question of social and economic injustice. This is a question of an economy built on lies and mirrors, an economy whose sickness is so deep that even a small dose of justice to its asset classes could kill the patient. Wage growth and reductions in income and wealth inequality are the only medicine that will nurse this dying patient back to health. Without it, even a small breeze like prosecuting some money launderers might be enough to snuff out the candle. This discussion takes place in the context of a rapidly developing debate about the effects of concentration of income and wealth on economic growth. Follow @DavidOAtkins More at VS.US