Unpacking the CVS Cigarette Ban

Money Talking show

Summary: The drugstore chain CVS made big news this week when it announced it will stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products by October. The move comes as CVS has been transitioning away from retail and opening more in-store health clinics. This week on Money Talking, Heidi Moore of the Guardian talks to regular contributors Joe Nocera of the New York Times and Rana Foroohar of Time magazine about how the decision could affect CVS's bottom line, what it has to do with Obamacare and whether the likes of Walgreens are likely to follow suit. Then, Money Talking examines Twitter's first quarterly earnings report since its initial public offering. Looking ahead, Foroohar discusses Tennessee governor Bill Haslam's call for residents to get two years of free post-secondary education at a technical school or community college and why the business community is getting on board. Nocera looks into whether the United States could be facing a natural gas shortage despite the recent boom in fracking.